Focus on mindful meditation while being stroked to Orgasm
For those of you who are not familiar, OM (orgasic meditation) is a sequenced practice in which one person gently strokes the other’s clitoris. The “stroking” allegedly activates the limbic system and releases a flood of oxytocin. Some say the result is said to be therapeutic, rather than sexual – but I say, if you are there why not go the distance.
While most of the trendy services offering OM charge hefty fees to experience and learn the Art of OM – my sessions are free of charge and no tip is required.
While genital release has a relaxing and therapeutic benefit, it is both inappropriate and illegal for this to occur in a paid capacity. That said, I provide my sessions at no cost and have found it to be quite enjoyable. I have had some very good experience with first orgasm and intensifying orgasms.